This Getting Started guide is aimed at company administrators and end-users of the RushFiles solution.
In this article, we will look at:
2. Uploading and downloading files
3.a Invite users to your share
4. Download a desktop or mobile client
1) Activating your account
When your user is created on a company account on RushFiles, you will receive an email with a password activation link. You have to click this link in order to set up your password.
There are some requirements for the format and length of the password:
✔ At least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)
✔ At least 1 lowercase letter (a-z)
✔ At least 1 number (0-9)
✔ At least 1 special character (*, /, #, .... )
✔ At least 8 characters long
After you've successfully set your password, you will be taken to the login page of the web client.

2) Uploading and downloading files
With RushFiles, your files are stored in special shared folders called Shares.
Your first share is automatically created for you when your company account is created.
However, you can create your own shares as well:
✔ If you haven't done so yet, login to the web client with your email address and the password you've just set.
✔ Click on Share list.
✔ Click on New share
✔ Name your share and click Save.
✔ You are now in the Edit Share menu. We will come back to this later, now click on Share list again.
✔ Click on your newly created share to access it.
✔ Click on Create Folder to create a new folder.
✔ Name your folder and click Save.
✔ Navigate into the folder by clicking on it.
✔ Click on upload
✔ Drag your files into the blue field to upload them, or click on Add Files to browse your system.
✔ Click on Done when you are finished.

✔ You now see the files that were uploaded, and can access them any time.
✔ Depending on the file type, you can preview the files by clicking on them.
✔ If your company has Office Online Integration enabled, you can view and edit Microsoft Office files directly in the browser.
3) Sharing files
You have two options to share files with other people. You can either invite users to your share(s), or share data with the use of public links.
3.a) Invite users to your share
✔ Go to Share list, right-click the share you've just made, and click on Edit share.
✔ Add users that are already invited to the company with the button in the Users column on the left side.
✔ Invite users that are not yet invited to the company with the Invite users button.
✔ Type in the email address of the user you want to invite, and choose their permissions they should have to your share, and click on Invite.
✔ You can now see the user in your share. The new user must set up their password, just like you did, before they can access the web client and your share.

3.b) Create a public link
Public links are secure links that you can use to link to a folder or a file in a share.
Anyone with the URL of a public link can access it, however, you can set a password on it to secure it from unauthorized users.
It is only possible to preview or download files from a public link. No file upload or edit can be made directly on it.
✔ In Share list, navigate into your share, and find the file/folder you want to share.
✔ Right-click the file/folder, and choose Create public link.
✔ Set the expiry duration, enable and add a password (optional), and a personal message (optional).
✔ When finished, click Save.
✔ The URL of the public link will be shown. Copy this link and send it to the person you want to share the data with. Changes done to files in the linked folder, or to the linked file, will be shown in the public link. Therefore, you don't have to recreate the links each time there is an update to the content. Public links are read-only, meaning that files cannot be modified through the public link.
✔ You can always access and edit your public links in the Links menu.
4) Download a desktop or mobile client
Even though the web client is a great tool to set up shares, and manage users on your account, we recommend that you download one (or more!) of our desktop/mobile applications, depending on your system.
We have client applications available for Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS.
Please see supported Operating System versions here.
To download the Windows and MacOS clients:
✔ Log in to the web client.
✔ Click on the icon in the top-right corner.
✔ Click on Download client software.
✔ The client application that matches your operating system will be downloaded to your computer.
✔ The Android and iOS clients can be downloaded from their respective app stores by searching for RushFiles.
Please see the user guides to each of our client apps to learn more about them :
If you are a company administrator, and would like to learn more about the company administration interface, please see the guides for Company Administrators.