This guide aims to help users get started with the functions and options of the RushFiles Mac client.
Customers of white-labeled RushFiles partners are advised to contact their RushFiles reseller for download links to their branded Mac client and web client URL.In this article:
1) Requirements
Operating systems: MacOS 10.14 or newer.
The Mac client also uses OSX FUSE, which is built-in to the application starting from version 2.8.1. Therefore you don't have to install it separately.
2) Download and install
You can download the Mac client either from here or from the web client when visiting from a Mac.
✔ After the download is finished, run the installer. If you encounter a message that says "Installer.pkg can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software", then click OK on this message. Afterwards, right-click Installer.pkg, then click on Open in the context menu. You will be presented with the same message as before, but this time with an "Open" button. Click on this Open button and installation will start.
✔ When the installation is complete, the client will run automatically.
On macOS Big Sur, you will also need to allow the Kernel Extension (FUSE) installed by the application. To do this, simply follow the prompt you receive from your Mac upon logging into the client, and allow the extension in System Preferences (this requires you to unlock this page by inputting your Mac username and password). Then, reboot your Mac as prompted, and the client is now ready to be used.
If you're using an M1 Mac, you will first need to reboot your Mac into recovery mode, and enable "Reduced Security" mode on your primary disk as shown here:
After this is done, reboot your Mac and allow the Kernel Extension in System Preferences as explained above.
Please note that the Extension Manager in Big Sur has some bugs that may result in a loop when you try to allow the extension. This seems to occur on M1 Macs using Big Sur 11.2. You can read more about this potential issue here:
NOTE: Some users using M1 Macs on macOS 12.0.1 Monterey have reported that the drive does not mount. If you are affected by this problem, please follow the solution here:
[SOLVED] [Mac client] M1 Macs with Monterey 12.0.1 may not mount the virtual drive
3) Log in/out and settings
✔ Right after installation, you will see that RushFiles is running in the menu bar (top-right corner by default). Left-click this icon to open the UI, then on the Gear icon in the bottom-right corner of the UI.
✔ Click the Log in button to start logging in.
✔ Your default browser will now open the login page. Type in your email address and click Next.
✔ Type in your password on the next screen, and click Log in. If you're using 2FA, then you'll also be asked to type in your authentication code on the next screen.
✔ Another site will open, and your browser will ask if the RushFiles client can log in using your credentials. Click Allow.
✔ You are now successfully logged into the RushFiles Mac client and can start working with your files in Finder.
✔ To log out, simply click the RushFiles icon on your menu bar, click on the Gear icon, then on the Log out button.
✔ Your default browser will open, informing you that you're logged out of the application.
3.a) Settings menu
You can reach the setting menu by left-clicking the client's icon in the menu bar on the top, clicking on the Gear icon, then on the Settings button.
In this menu, you have the following options available:
✔ Automatic start. Check this option if you want the client to automatically start when you turn on your Mac.
✔ Select language. Choose the display language of the Mac client.
✔ Keep local file. Here, you can set the time period downloaded files will be kept for on your Mac.
✔ Automatic screenshot upload. Check this option if you want all of the screenshots take to be automatically uploaded to RushFiles. You can specify and then later change which folder on the RushFiles drive you want to save the screenshots to.
✔ Logout. Click this option if you want to log out of the application. If you're logged out, you'll see the Login button here instead.
✔ Create link in clipboard (Only available if automatic screenshot upload is enabled). Check this option if you also want to create a public link created for each screenshot you upload. The public link will have company default settings, and the URL will be automatically placed in your clipboard, ready to be pasted anywhere.
3.b) Share list
You also have an overview of all the shares you have access to. To see this share list, left-click on the client's icon in the top-bar.
✔ Click on the name of a share to rename it. This change is only local, and specific to this Mac. The share's name is unchanged to any other users.
✔ Click on the folder icon next to a share. This opens the share in Finder.
4) Working with files
If you the installation was successful, and you are logged in to the client, you will see a RushFiles drive in Finder. This drive functions just like any other drive on your Mac.
You can, among others:
✔ Copy files.
✔ Move files. (Only inside shares; files cannot be moved between shares)
✔ Edit files.
✔ Edit files' contents with the relevant app.
✔ Delete files.
✔ Create/Delete/Rename folders.
Only two things are not allowed: Creating folders on the root of the RushFiles drive (this can only be done in the web client), and moving data between shares (the root folders of the RushFiles drive).
Files that are not downloaded to your computer are marked with a small cloud icon overlay. These files need to be downloaded before they can be accessed, which requires internet connection.
You just need to double-click on such a file, and it will be automatically downloaded and opened with the relevant app.
Files that are already downloaded have a green computer icon next to them. These files are accessible and editable even without internet connection.
Your edits will be uploaded the next time you connect to the internet.

4.a) Context menu
On top of this, you also have access to the RushFiles context menu, automatically installed as a Finder extension. You can find this menu next to the search bar in Finder, or when right-clicking a file or folder on the RushFiles drive. The specific options are detailed below.
If you are not in the RushFiles drive:
✔ RushFiles. This opens the RushFiles drive.
On any folder NOT in the root of the RushFiles drive:
✔ Create link in clipboard. This option creates a public link with the company default settings, and places the URL of the link into your clipboard, ready to be pasted anywhere.
✔ Send link in Email. This one also creates a public link in the same way the previous option does, but instead opens your Email app, with the URL of the link already pasted into the body of a new email.
✔ Available offline. Choosing this option downloads the entire content of the folder, and keeps it locally available at all times. Changes done remotely to this folder are downloaded locally as they happen.
✔ Download folder. With this option, the entire content of the folder is downloaded a single time. Changes done to this folder after the download is complete are not downloaded automatically.
On any file on the RushFiles drive:
✔ Create link in clipboard. (See above)
✔ Send link in Email. (See above)
✔ Download. (See above)
✔ Lock file / Unlock file. You can lock a file for editing with this option. While a file is locked, only the user that locked it is able to make changes to it. Only the user that locked it, or a company administrator can unlock a file.

5) Uninstallation:
✔ Quit the client. You can do this by left-clicking the client's icon in the top-bar, clicking thebutton in the bottom-right corner of the Share list window, and choosing Quit.
✔ Open Finder and go to Applications.
✔ Select the RushFiles app and Move it to Trash.