This guide aims to introduce users to the functions of the RushFiles PC client. The guide uses the standard RushFiles branded client as a reference.
In this article:

1) Requirements
Windows versions: Windows 10 or 11.
Software requirements: .NET Framework 4.7.2 and VC++ 2015-2019 v14.25.28508 (or higher).
2) Download and install
You can download the PC client either from https://update.rushfiles.com/PcClient/install/RushFiles/RF_Installer.exe or from the web client when logged in from a Windows computer.
After the download is finished, run the installer, and follow the on-screen instructions. The installer can be run in silent mode with the /S parameters.
When the installation is complete, the client will automatically run and a shortcut will be created on your desktop.

3) User Interface:
✔ Find the application's icon in the systray area of your taskbar and single-click it to bring the UI into view.
✔ You now see a login screen. Input the email address you use with RushFiles, and click on "Next".
✔ Then, input your password and click Log in.
✔ If you are using Two-factor authentication, you will be asked to enter your 2FA authentication code. If you've lost the device you're using for 2FA, you can also log in with a recovery code a single time. If your primary company is enforcing the use of 2FA and you have not set 2FA up yet, you will need to follow the on-screen instructions to do so.
✔ The client will take a few moments to connect to the server and retrieve the data available to you.
✔ The main screen shows:
1. Your name.
2. Your email address used with RushFiles.
3. Your primary RushFiles company.
4. A data usage chart that shows how much data you have downloaded locally.
5. The list of Shares available to you. Double-click on a share's name to open it in File Explorer.
6. Open folder button. This opens the RushFiles virtual drive in File Explorer.
7. Open in browser button. This opens the web client in your default browser.
8. Contact Support button. This opens our, or your RushFiles distributor's support or helpdesk page.
3.a) Settings menu:
✔ The settings menu and logout button are available by clicking thebutton next to your username.
✔ In the settings menu, you can:
1. Change the language of the client.
2. Change the drive letter of the virtual shared drive (default is U:).
3. Change the time period your downloaded files are kept on your machine.
4. Disable or enable file messages of all users' activities on shares available to you.
5. Enable or disable automatic start-up with Windows.
6. Check for updates to the PC client.
You can go back to the storage view by clicking the button and clicking "Storage".
3.b) Session Log:
The Session Log is a new feature in version V2R02M146 which lets you monitor activity during a given session. To see the Session Log, simply click on its name next to Share list.
The following events are shown in the session log:
✔ Folder Create, Rename, Delete, Move✔ File Download, Create, Update, Rename, Delete, Move
File uploads/downloads show the size of the transferred file, and you can see the start and end timestamps of each event.
You can also filter the log for event types. The Download event type shows only downloads, while Upload shows every other event that changes data on the server. Incomplete event type shows all pending events.
To filter for failed events, click the Show only errors checkbox.
You can also export the session log as a .csv file by clicking Export all.
4) Working with files
If the installation was successful, and you are logged in to the client, you will see a virtual shared folder with the name RushFiles and drive letter U: (both are default values) in File Explorer, or any other file manager program.
From this point on, you can use the RushFiles virtual drive just like a regular shared drive.
You can do anything with the data that you can do on any other drive, with the exception of creating folders on the root of U: and moving data between root folders of U:. This is because root folders are Shares which can only be created using the web client.
Files that are not downloaded to your computer are marked with a small X overlay, and offer no preview. These files need to be downloaded before they can be accessed, which requires internet connection.
You just need to double-click on such a file, and it will be automatically downloaded and opened with the relevant app.
Files that are already downloaded have a preview thumbnail, and do not have the small X overlay over their icon. These files are accessible and editable even without internet connection.
Your edits will be uploaded the next time you connect to the internet.
4.a) Context menu
You also have access to the RushFiles context menu. To use the functions of this menu, open File Explorer and right-click on a file or folder in the U: drive, and hover over "RushFiles".
For folders, the available options are:
✔ Download folder. This downloads the entire content of the folder, making it all locally available. The downloaded files are deleted per the "Keep Deleted Files" setting.
✔ Start/stop synchronization. This makes it so that the entire content of the folder is always available locally, and changes to it are also automatically downloaded as they happen.
✔ Create link in clipboard. This one creates a public link with the company default settings. The URL of the public link is copied to your clipboard, so you just need to paste it somewhere and send it to the person you want to share it with.
✔ Send link in email. This one also creates a public link with the company default settings, but instead of saving the URL in the clipboard, your default Email app is opened with a new mail, and the URL already pasted in.
For files, the available options are:
✔ Download. This downloads the file, making it available to you locally.
✔ Create link in clipboard. (See above)
✔ Send link in email. (See above)
✔ Lock file / Unlock file. This option locks the file, meaning that only the user that locked it can make changes to it. Only the user that locked the file, the owner of the Share that contains the file, or a company administrator can unlock it.
5) Uninstallation
✔ Exit the client, and make sure it is not running.
✔ Go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a program. (Or Settings -> Apps & Features on Windows 10)
✔ Find "RushFiles" in this menu, and click on Uninstall.
The client will now be uninstalled.
Silent uninstallation in Admin command prompt (version 2.5.0 and above):
Note: The path and the exact name of the installer may vary depending on the branded version!
C:\ProgramData\RushFiles\RF_Installer.exe /U /S
Silent uninstallation in Admin command prompt (version 2.4.0 and below):
%localappdata%\RushFilesV2\FirstTime\uninstall.exe /s