The RushFiles client supports Microsoft VDI and AppV. Citrix is not supported.
Setting up the RushFiles client to run on a terminal server is quite simple.
Just follow the guide that matches the selected distribution model, and you will have your users online on RushFiles.
Please make sure that Visual C++ 2015-2017-2019-2022 (minimum version 14.25.28508.3), and .NET Framework 4.7.2 are installed on the machine before installing the client.
Client version 2.5.2 and below requires Visual C++ in x86 version.
Client version 2.5.3 and above requires Visual C++ in x64 version.
In case you have Roaming user profiles, so that user login data needs to roam with the user, we recommend you use the MSI version.
Microsoft Installer (MSI) - recommended
The latest version of the installer file can be downloaded here.
This installer has default RushFiles branding. If a branded version is needed, please contact RushFiles for a dedicated download link.
Installation of this distribution is done using the standard msiexec execution with custom parameters passed for more advanced configuration. For a detailed list of supported flags please refer to this readme document. The parameters will not be recognized in Powershell, make sure to do this in an Administrator Command Prompt.
Example parameters to configure the client to be compatible with Roaming user profiles ( VdiGuid.cfg set to %appdata%\RfUserData, and Database\Logging location set to %appdata%\RushFilesData\Config ):
msiexec /i "C:\Downloads\RF_Installer_Latest.msi" CFG_ENABLE_VDI=1 CFG_ROAM_METADATA=1 CFG_CONF_DRIVE={APPDATA}\RushFilesData\Config
Uninstallation example:
msiexec /x "C:\Downloads\RF_Installer_Latest.msi"
- By default, the application is installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\RushFiles\RfClientV2
- In case there is a "ProgramPcConfiguration.cfg" file in your installation folder, it will override the parameters you have used at installation. Rename this file and redo the installation in this case.
- Updating is done the same way as installation. All users need to exit the client before performing an update. Ideally, all users should be signed out of the RDS
Zip distribution
Get the latest version of the RushFilesVDI client from here.
If a new client is available, you will receive information in advance.
1. Login to the TS server as an administrator
2. Download the zip and unblock it in its properties, otherwise dlls will be blocked after extraction.
3. Unzip the VDI client to a folder that is available to all users (we will call it the RFfolder)
4. Create a subfolder in the RFfolder called "\FirstTime\Skinning\" if you have a custom branding. Place a copy of the skinning files in this folder.
a. If you have a skinned pc client installed, they can be retrieved from there. Go to %localappdata% --> RushFilesV2 --> FirstTime --> Skinning and the skinning files will be available there
5. Run the file installer procedure
a. Start a command line as administrator
b. If necessary, navigate to the RFfolder ( cd "path_to_the_rffolder" )
c. Execute the installer with the following command : installer.exe /G . This exe is made to run in silent mode so you will not see anything on screen, but it should create a log file called "Installer logfile[current date].txt".
d. INSPECT the log file to see if any of the installed components require restart / failed. If so, the machine needs to be restarted to allow shell extension DLLs to be replaced. If restart is not possible, one can try to find programs with open handles to the locked files inside of RFFolder and close them.

e. If the computer has been restarted / programs blocking the DLLs closed, unzip the zip again and invoke installer.exe /G again.
5. In the RFfolder, there is a file called ProgramPcConfiguration.template.cfg
a. This is a TEMPLATE for the configuration of the VDI client.
b. Rename it to ProgramPcConfiguration.cfg (the .cfg may not be visible depending on you settings)
c. This will make it “Your” copy of the file, and ensure that we do not overwrite any setting you make to the configuration.
d. Open then file in notepad.exe or similar program.
e. Change the settings accordingly to your installation needs.
f. Close/save the configuration.
6. In the RfFolder, create an empty .txt file, and rename it to "" , where "info" is the extension of the file.
7. The VDI Client is now ready to be used.
8. On the user’s desktop place a shortcut that will start the RfClientPCV2.exe
a. Change the icon on the shortcut to be the program icon from the “\FirstTime\skinning\” folder.
When running a terminal server farm using roaming profile from a UNC path, it’s important that a user can’t have more than one concurrent session.
Updating the client
To update the VDI client, do the same procedure as installation (without the skinning part).
1. All users must be logged off / exit the client, or the .dll's will be locked.
2. Download the newest version from the website (link in the installation guide).
3. Unzip the new client into the folder where the client is installed (for all clients).
4. No need to update skin as that is already there.
5. Run the installer to update the driver.
6. Make sure that is in the RfFolder
If you have questions regarding the setup of RushFiles on Terminal Servers, please contact support on [email protected].