If you experience that the RushFiles context menu (right-click menu) is missing from your computer, you may try to reinstall this component:

  1. Shut down the PC Client
  2. Start a command prompt as Admin and execute:

    "C:\Program Files\RushFilesV2\Installer.exe" /U /C 2 /G

  3. Then execute:

    "C:\Program Files\RushFilesV2\Installer.exe" /C 2 /G

  4. Start the PC Client and the context menu should show up now.

Similarly, missing icon overlays (eg. for locked files) can be fixed with the same steps, by replacing /C 2 with /C 4 in steps 2. and 3.

In case this did not solve the issue, please include log files when contacting support. These are named Installer logfile date time.txt found at C:\Program Files\RushFilesV2