1. First, locate your filecache on the drive.:
It should be located at the path c:\RfWebsites\
On some systems it is located on a larger disc.
2. After locating it, go into \filecache01.rushfiles.com\Config\
In this folder, you should have these 3 files available.
3. The ServerConfiguration.cfg should never be touched, but if you open the ArchiveDrives.cfg
Your content could look like this. Here, you can add more drives or folders on the same drive.
The separation between the drives is a , and the drive is written as shown above.
Ex: “c:\\ArchiveCache”,”d:\\ArchiveCache” here both the c and d drive will be added, and files will be spread across these two drives.
(Note: The “ has be placed around the new path for the files, and the double \ has to be there and also, make sure that you use \ (backslash) and not / (forwardslash).)
4. Afterwards, you have to recycle the application pool for the filecache.
This is done by opening the IIS manager, and locating the application pool for filecache01.
Once located, click recycle in the top right corner.
5. Afterwards, you have to call the filecache to ensure it has started up correctly.
This is done by calling filecache01.yourdomain in a browser.
You might be presented with a page informing you that the server isn’t ready. If you are, hit F5, or refresh after a minute or so. If this continues for more than 2 minutes, please open a ticket on the helpdesk.
Also, you can check the log of the filecache to ensure that it has loaded the destinations correctly.
The log is located in C:\RFLogs\ and contains filecache in the name, take the newest one and in the top you can see which drives where loaded:
If for some reason a destination could not be loaded as shown for e:\ArchiveCache on the picture above, then please ensure that the destination can be accessed.
If the issue persists, you can open a ticket on the helpdesk.