
In the Settings menu, you can change/add mail configurations, see the mail log of your company, and edit/create mail templates for different languages.

In this article:

Mail Configuration

In the Email menu, you have an overview of your company's mail configuration.

The "Provider default" config is enabled by default. This is the mail configuration of your reseller, and they are responsible for it. This configuration can never be deleted or edited.

If you have your own mail server and wish to configure RushFiles to use it, you need to click on Create new Email Configuration. This will show a new pop-up:

✔ Name: the name of the configuration as it will appear in the Email menu (like "Provider Default").

✔ Server address: the address of your mail server.

✔ Server port: the port your mail server communicates through.

✔ Default sender: the email address that will send the system emails.

✔ Username: the username of the default sender (usually the same as default sender). Input any random string if your mail server does not require authentication. 

✔ Password: the password of the default sender. Input any random string if your mail server does not require authentication. 

✔ Test Email Recipient: this is not required, but you can send a test mail using the configuration to this email address (auto-filled with your currently logged-in user's email address) by pressing the button.

✔ Encoding: the type of encoding your emails will use.

✔ Use SSL: if turned on, your emails will be encrypted using SSL/TLS.

The use SSL option is not restricted to specific versions of SSL or TLS. It only requires that the mail server that you are using can communicate with your provider's server using a mutual SSL/TLS version.


Here, you have an overview of all the emails that have been sent by your company.

Let's look at what the columns mean:

✔ Date: the date the email was sent.

✔ Email: the type of email. See templates.

✔ Recipient: the email address of the recipient.

✔ Status: the delivery status of the mail.


In the Templates menu, you can freely edit the template of each email type for several languages.

✔ Invitation new user: sent to users when they are created as a user in RushFiles for the first time. This email contains a link for setting up a password for the user.

✔ Invitation to share: sent to users when they are added to a Share.

✔ Reset password: sent to users when they request a password reset link, or the Resend invitation/password mail option is used.

✔ Welcome admin: sent to users that have been assigned as administrator.

✔ Limit exceeded: sent to admin users when their amount of data / number of users has reached a certain percentage (80%, 100%, 120%) of the limit set by the reseller.

✔ Authentication code: sent to users that use 2FA with the email authentication method when logging in with 2FA to your account. Only applies to users that are primary on your account.

The templates "Server installed", "User activated", and "Share Full" are not used, so you can entirely skip customizing them.

Edit Templates

To edit a template, click on the language code in the circle ( EN, DE, NL, etc.)

This shows you the template that is set for the given email type in the given language.

✔ Subject: Edit the Subject content to change the subject field of the email.

✔ Test Email Recipient: Use this to send a test email to the given email address.

✔ Status: Switch between Draft and Published to enable or disable the usage of this template. If your template is only a draft, your reseller's default template for the given language will be used.

✔ Required Tags: There is some information that the email has to contain, depending on the template.

These are listed under Required tags. Just click on the tag you want to add, and it will be placed in the template. Missing tags are shown with the standard font-weight, while tags that are already in the template are displayed in a lighter font. If you have missing tags, you can't publish the template and it will not be used.

If you want, you can also edit the footer and the header of the email separately by pressing Edit footer / Edit header. 

The editor works the same way as for the templates. The footer and header are not particular to an email type, nor to a language, so they will be included in every single email you send. 

If you don't want a separate footer/header for your mails, leave these blank, and press save. To test your headers and footers, send a test mail with any of your existing templates.

Add Template Language

You can now add templates in different languages without leaving the Email menu.

Click on the ellipsis icon (•••), and click "+ Add Another Language"

From the popup menu, select your preferred language.

Once done, you'll be prompted to fill out the following:

And once done, click the Save button

If you have further questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket through RushFiles HelpDesk Support.