
The Links menu has the same information displayed as before, and like on all other menus that contain grid items that you can perform actions on, these are found under the meatballs menu of each item.

Public Link

The Public Link page was also re-implemented with the new design, and like any other page, it has the same layout as before so that it is easy to use. The link availability is displayed in a banner under the page header, not individually for each file. It also provides more accurate information regarding the availability.

The Public Link page is now displayed in the browser language (if supported, English default) and is no longer controlled from the Language submenu under Account Settings. We also have an improvement where the preferred language is saved for the user, and then the page will be displayed in that language.

Another improvement is that the language selector is available even while a modal is displayed. Users can now change the display language before typing in the link password.

The Links menu

You can see all the Public Links you created in the Links menu. The category views are the following.





Create Date


What can I do in the Links menu?

Renew Expired Link

Edit the Expiration Date

Edit Password

Edit Personal Message

Copy URL or Link

✔ Delete the Public Link

Enable or Disable Password Protection

Bulk Deletion of Public Links

How can I create a Public Link?

Good question! Below is the step-by-step guide to help you through Public Link creation.

  1. Login to the new Web client.
  2. Click on "Share List".
  3. Navigate to your folder or file.
  4. Click on the "…" (Ellipsis) icon on the right-hand side of the folder or file.
  5. Click on "Create public link" from the dropdown menu.
  6. A popup will prompt you to copy the link.
  7. Finally, share the link with other users.

If you have any questions or concerns about this feature, please do not hesitate to reach out via our helpdesk support.

Thanks for choosing RushFiles!

RushFiles Team