
What's new with the Web Client 3.0 Share List?

Web Client 3.0 has improved and boasts an intuitive user interface that brings users a new level of experience with their workflow. The ease of use and overall user flow is enhanced, leading to higher user engagement and retention. 

It can help streamline repeatable business tasks, minimizing room for errors and increasing overall efficiency. This, in turn, dramatically improves your business. Users can make quicker, smarter decisions and are empowered to collaborate more flexibly and agilely.

How can I access the Share List?

The Web Client 3.0 has the Share List as the default page. It has the list of Shares that a user has access to; interact with files and folders synced to the RushFiles cloud.

It has the following category views:


Share With: (Users with access)

✔  Account: (The Company it belongs to)

How to create a new Share within the Share List menu?

1. In the Share List menu, click on the Create New Share button.

2. A popup modal will prompt you to select which company the Share will be created for and the name of the Share.

3. Click the Save button to continue.

4. A popup modal will prompt you to invite team members or groups to the Share.

5. Click the Save button to complete the process.

Share Options Explained

Rename: Update or change Share name.

Manage: User Access: Invite team members or groups to the Share

✔ Remove me from Share: Revoke users' access to the Share

Delete: Only Owner or Admin of the Company can delete the Share

Storage: It shows storage used on files, deleted, and history files.

If you have any questions or concerns about this feature, please do not hesitate to reach out via our helpdesk support.

Thanks for choosing RushFiles!

RushFiles Team