Top reseller administrators can define, edit and publish their Terms & Conditions, or EULA on the top reseller level. Once the Terms and Conditions are published, existing users will be prompted to accept it at their next login attempt. Newly created users will be prompted to accept it at account activation. The Terms and Conditions are not shown to users before a version is published.
To get to the Terms & Conditions menu, click on the button, then on Terms & Conditions in the top navbar. Here, you can edit and publish your Terms & Conditions in multiple languages with a WYSIWYG editor, similarly to mail templates.
At creation, you'll first have to name the version of your T&C. This is only visible to you, so you can distinguish between the different versions. At this step, you also have to select a date from which the T&C is effective.
After it is created, you can edit and publish the T&C in different languages by clicking the + button next to the effective date. Pick the language you want to create it in, and a text editor will open.
When you're done editing, you can click Preview to see how it will be presented to your users. Remember that the T&C will not be shown to users unless you switch it from Draft to Published. Click Save when you're done.