You can view and edit your Microsoft Office documents in the RushFiles web client by enabling Office Online integration for a given company. Enabling this allows multiple users to edit the same Office file at the same time when opened through the web client.

✔    First, make sure that your reseller has enabled Office Online integration.

✔    Then, turn on Office Online integration in company administration.

Note With the integration enabled, any files previewed or edited through the web client are downloaded to an Office 365 cloud outside the RushFiles environment. They are saved back to RushFiles once editing ends. 
If the integration is left disabled, the web client file previewer will be used, and data won't leave the RushFiles environment.

End-users may preview and edit any Office documents. Upon clicking an office file in the web client, a new tab opens in the browser and displays a file preview:

Clicking the blue Edit in Browser button in the upper right corner transfers the users to Office Online where the file is then edited:

Note If a user edits .doc files, Office Online will transfer the document with the newer .docx extension and will not change the original .doc file. The same applies to all old Office formats.
There are file size limitations with Office online:

Further information:

File limitations in Microsoft Office Online

Microsoft EU Model Clauses