
In the mail templates  menu, you have the ability to create templates for the different types of emails sent through the RushFiles system.

There are several ways that you can customize your templates. You can make each template unique, or specify a header and a footer to be used for all templates. You can also make a separate template for each language supported by RushFiles.

In this article:

1. Template types

2. Editing a template

3. Header and Footer templates

1) Template types

There are different templates for each type of email the system sends. These templates are by default used by both reseller and company accounts that belong to you. The following template types are available:

Invitation new user: sent to users when they are created as a user in RushFiles for the first time. This email contains a link for setting up a password for the user.

Invitation to share: sent to users when they are added to a Share.

Reset password: sent to users when they request a password reset link, or the Resend activation/password mail option is used.

Welcome admin: sent to users that have been assigned as an administrator on a company.

Limit exceeded: sent to admin users when their amount of data / number of users has reached a certain percentage (80%, 100%, 120%) of the limit set by the reseller.

Authentication code: sent to users that use 2FA with the email authentication method when logging in with 2FA to their primary account.

Note The templates "Server installed", "User activated", and "Share Full" are not used, so you can entirely skip customizing them.

2) Editing a template

To edit a template for the given language, click on the circular language code ( EN, DE, NL, etc.) for the given template.

Click on the"+" button to create a template for a new language. Select the language, edit the template, and upon saving, a new column with this language will appear.

The template editor:

A. Switch between Draft and Published to enable or disable the usage of this template. If your template is only a draft, it will not be used.

B. Edit the Subject field to change the subject field of the email.

C. There are certain tags that the templates have to contain. These are placeholders for actual values, names, and links that are generated based on who the email is sent to. These are listed under Required tags. Just click on the tag you want to add, and it will be placed in the template at your cursor's location. Missing tags are shown with the standard font-weight, while tags that are already in the template are displayed lighter. If you have missing tags, you can't publish the template and it will not be used.

D. Use the text editor to edit the template. Press to edit in HTML form. Press the  button to preview your mail.

E. Click on the send test mail button to send a test email to the given email address.

F. Press Save to save your changes.

Note If you've made a template in a different language, don't forget to change the mail language for the reseller in the My Account menu to use those templates. 
If your template is not used, make sure that it is Published.

3) Header and Footer templates

As previously mentioned, you can specify a header and a footer to be used with all templates. This way, you only need to create the header and footer once, and only edit the body for the individual templates.

✔    Click the Edit Header button to edit the header.

✔    Click the Edit Footer button to edit the footer.

The editor is largely same as the template editor. The differences are that there is no Draft / Published option, no send test mail function, and no required tags.

As usual, press Save to save your changes.

If you want to remove the header and footer, just delete everything in the header and footer editors.

Note The header and footer will be used in every template for all languages.