In the Reports menu, you have the option to generate reports of any user activity in your company.
In Reports, there are 4 options:
Some features are common:
Get report - press this to generate the report in the web client.
Download - press this to download an .xml version of the report.
Refresh - refreshes the page, and sets all values to their defaults.
1) User journal
Allows the administrator to see users' activity. (Username, Name, Event, Timestamp, Share)
There some filters in place to help narrow the search:
Shares - the specific share of the activity.
Username - the specific user that initiated the activity, or was affected by it.
from / to - the specific dates for the activity.
No filters are required in User Journal.
How to understand the report:
Username: the user that initiated the event.
Name: the user that was affected by the event.
Event: the type of the event. (See below)
Timestamp: the date and time of the event.
Event types:
RemoveShareAShare: removal of a user from a share.
ShareAShare: the addition of a user to a share.
UpdateUserAcls: the changing of user's rights to a share.
CreateAShare: creation of a share.
2) Log in
Shows the login information of the company. (User name, Device Type, Login Status, Timestamp, IP address)
Available filters:
Username - the user whose Log in information you want to search for.
from / to - the specific dates you want to see Log in information for.
No filters are required in Log in.
How to understand the report:
Username: the user that logged in.
Device type: shows what device the user logged in from.
Login status: shows if login succeeded or not.
Timestamp: the date and time of the login.
IP: the IP address the login was attempted from.
3) File and folder events
Shows all file and folder events in a specific share/folder. (File/Folder name, Event, Timestamp, Username)
Available filters:
Event type - the type of event you are looking for.
User - events by the specific user.
from/to - the specific dates for the events.
Share - the share where the events happened.
After a share is chosen, click Select under File/Folder, and select the file or folder you want to generate a report of.
Selecting a Share and a File/Folder are required.
How to understand the report:
Name: the name of the affected file/folder.
Event: the type of the event. (See below)
Timestamp: shows if login succeeded or not.
IP: the IP that the user was logged in from when carrying out the event.
Username: the email address of the user that carried out the event.
Event types:
FileUpload: upload of files and creation of folders.
FileDownload: downloading files.
FileCopy: copying files.
FileRename: renaming files.
FileMove: moving files. Can only be seen if the destination folder OR the file that was moved is chosen in File/Folder. The path shown refers to the destination folder.
FileDelete: deletion of files.
FileDeletePermanently: permanent deletion of files.
FileRestore: undeletion of files.
LinkCreate: creation of public links.
LinkDelete: deletion of public links.
LinkOpen: opening public links.
LinkUpdate: editing public links.

4) Public folder and files
Shows all events related to public links. (File/Folder, Action(EventType), Date, IP, Username)
Available filters:
Event type - the type of event (Action) you are looking for.
User - filters for the specific user.
Will expire in - link expiration value.
Protected - filters for link password (Yes / No).
Share - the share you want to see public link events for.
Selecting a Share is required.
How to understand the report:
Path: the path to the file/folder that is in the public link.
Action: the type of event that happened to the file/folder in the link. (See below)
Date: the date and time of the event.
IP: the IP of the user that carried out the event.
User: the email address of the user that carried out the event.
Event types (Action):
LinkCreate: creation of a public link.
LinkUpdate: editing of a public link.
FileDownload: download of a file from a public link.
LinkOpen: opening of a link by a user.
LinkDelete: the deletion of a link.
5) Storage statistics
Shows the storage statistics of shares.
Available filters:
Share - the share(s) you select here will be the only one(s) present in the report
User - only shares that this user has access to will be present in the report.
If you choose to filter for both Share and User, please be aware that the User filter takes priority. Eg. if Share1 and User1 are selected, Share1 will only be shown in the report if User1 has access to it.
No filters are required in this report type.
How to understand the report:
Share name: the name of the share.
Storage used on files: space used for storing currently available files.
Storage used on deleted files: space used for storing deleted files.
Storage used on history files: space used for history file versions.
Total storage used: total storage space used by the Share. This is the billable amount of storage used