
In the Companies menu, you have an overview of all the companies under your reseller.

You can immediately see each company's status (Activated / Suspended / Deactivated), and how much of their allowed data and number of users they are currently using.

You can also AddEdit, and Delete companies.

1) Add a company

✔    Click on Add Account to add a new company.

✔    In the popup, you'll need to give a name to the company, specify the email address of the first admin user, and specify the maximum storage and users the company can have.

✔    Click on Save to add this company.

If the email address is not yet associated with RushFiles, the admin user will receive a password mail as well. Otherwise, they will only receive the mail that notifies them of their administrator status.

2) Edit a company

Click on the name of any company in the list to edit that company.

Whenever you change something on this page, a red Save button appears at the top of the page. Click on this to apply your changes, or click on Refresh to cancel them.

Edit account section:

Status: Activate / Suspend / Deactivate the company. 

Name: Change the name of the company.

Max storage: Change the maximum storage for the company. The is in GB. Use the toggle to enable/disable Unlimited storage.

Max users: Change the maximum users for the company. Use the toggle to enable/disable Unlimited users.

Max days and Max versions: Change the minimum history settings of this particular company. They will be able to set a higher retention policy than you specify here, but won't be able to set it lower than this.

Reseller admin as company admin: If set to Yes, then the user you are currently logged in with will be added as an admin user of the company.

Enable hard limit on storage: If set to Yes, users in the company will not be able to upload anymore once they hit the limit in "Max storage". If set to No, they will only receive notifications, but will still be able to upload.

Enable hard limit on users: If set to Yes, no more users can be added to the company once they the limit in "Max users".

Freeze minimum: If set to Yes, then the company will not be able to change their history settings (Max days / Max versions).

The Storage section gives you an overview of the company's data and user usage.

In the Skinning section, you can allow the company to use skinning, and also see their subdomain.

In the Two-factor authentication section, you can enable or disable the use of 2FA on the company account. Changing this setting is equivalent to changing the 2FA settings of this account through company administration. The option can only be enabled if 2FA is enabled on your reseller account as well.

You can also enforce a company to use 2FA with the "Enforce two-factor authentication on this account" toggle. After switching this on and saving the page, users of the account will have to set up 2FA the next time they login.

The Active Directory Settings section is used to set up the company with AD Integration.

Note Your reseller can restrict the maximum amount of users and storage you can provision for company accounts.

3) Delete a company

✔    Select the company in the list to edit it.

✔    Click the Delete button in the top bar.

✔    Confirm or cancel the deletion.

4) Advanced Features

✔    Select the company in the list to edit it.

✔    Scroll to "Advanced Features".

✔    Click the toggle switch to enable this feature and "Save" to complete the process.