Server operations logging:

The server keeps its logs for 7 days and is cleaned at night around 02:00 (local server time).

The logging level can be changed for the individual sites and services, but this is not recommended and should only be done by RushFiles employees.

The logs can be found on "C:\RFLogs\" and a new log is created every time the site or service is recycled/restarted, it has 10.000 log entries, or if its a new day.

How much is logged depends on the level of logging set on the sites, normally logging is set to 20 and that only includes important entries and errors/exceptions.

Windows Client operations logging:

This is only a status logging, as there are so many operations on the PC, opening and closing files many times. There are logs that show how the PC client is operating. These are kept for 14 days, in zip files.

See help article: Find Log Files (PC Client)

Mac Client operations logging:

Mac client logs status data to the text .log files, which are put to the directory ~/Library/RushFiles/Logs. They are kept for 14 days, then old log files are deleted.

In branded Mac clients, CloudDrive should be changed to the name of branded application name.

See help article: Find Log Files (Mac Client)

User operation logging:

Logs for the user operations from the web interfaces are saved on the server. Most of these are saved in the log for the domain master and are kept as described in "Server operations logging".