Affects only Old Web Client:

  • Reseller Portal: Mail configurations always display that ASCII encoding is used, even if a different value is saved. This is a display bug - the encoding chosen is always saved and used in the backend.
  • Access Denied message when trying to perform file operations (eg. download) after idling for ~5 minutes in the old web client. Please refresh the browser window if this happens.

Affects only New Web Client:

  • File downloads in public links may fail for the first time for logged in users who are not the owner of the link, when using Firefox. Clicking the "Retry" button for the file in Firefox's download list restarts and successfully finish the download.
  • Reseller Mode: Toggling 2FA on a reseller may not change the 2FA state on any children (except for their ability to toggle 2FA on or off). This may cause 2FA to still be in effect after toggling it off, or not being in effect after toggling it on.
    • If you've toggled on or off 2FA in Reseller Mode, please reapply your selection in the Old Web Client's reseller portal by toggling it on/off (or off/on).
  • Safari adds ".html" extension to a downloaded file via the Web client on iOS Safari browser. Our Development team is working on a fix to negate this from occurring.
  • Downloading a folder whose name contains non-ANSI characters using Safari garbles the resulting .zip file's name. The file can then only be unzipped with a third party program.
  • File locked by another user returns "File not found" when opened in Office Online.
  • Colors inherited from the parent return to default if the child reseller or company adds custom skinning.
  • Using characters in uppercase format in email address during user creation will yield "Email is invalid". Please enter email address in lowercase format in the meantime. 

The workaround for issues affecting the New Web Client is switching back to the Old Web Client.

To avoid the Safari issue, please use a different browser.

If you are a RushFiles Reseller, and would like to report an issue not found on the list above, please a create a ticket.

End-users should contact their RushFiles Reseller to receive support and to submit bugs.